Author Topic: Draw length pleasant surprise  (Read 6258 times)

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Offline Del the cat

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Re: Draw length pleasant surprise
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2014, 01:32:20 pm »
I think most people overestimate their draw length... don't think I've ever met anyone who actually drew longer than they thought.
I say I draw 28", but it's often down to 27 as I tire, or before I'm warmed up.
Unless I go warbow stlye, but even then it's nearer 31" than the "traditional" 32
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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Draw length pleasant surprise
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2014, 03:27:22 pm »
The best way is to have someone watch while you shoot. Your pose draw length is often longer than your shooting length. Jawge
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Offline Buckeye Guy

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Re: Draw length pleasant surprise
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2014, 05:39:01 pm »
I am a good bit over six feet tall
my draw lenth is never over 28.5 with 27.5-28 being normal for the summer time and having a hard time getting to anything over 26 in the winter
I draw to the corner of my mouth if I can get there but for hunting with the cooler weather my flint tips are set to 26 inches and I draw till I feel it touch the back of my knuckle !
Guy Dasher
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Offline dbb

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Re: Draw length pleasant surprise
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2014, 05:57:30 am »
Drawlenght is totaly dependent of your stance!
Ill bet almost everyone adds atleast an inch if you shoot from a closed "olympic" style stance.
The moment you change anything from that the draw shorten e.g hunch a bit or open the stance.
My own draw goes from 29 1/4 to just short of 28" when i go from "classic" to primitive.
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Offline nakedfeet

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Re: Draw length pleasant surprise
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2014, 10:12:33 am »
An interesting thing here is that nobody is really mentioning how they're measuring, or to where.

I do think that the AMO standard for draw length is useful. Even though I am inconsistent, when I am shooting well and correctly, my draw length is 29" AMO. But measured to the back of the bow, depending on which bow, that might be 27" on some or 30" on others. I'm 6'1" and don't have especially long arms.

For those who don't know of it, the AMO standard is your draw measured from the inside of the arrow nock groove to the belly side of the grip -- the deepest part. Add 1 3/4" and that gives you AMO. This is the length I use to tiller all of my bows.

So basically the "true" draw length should be string to belly side of the grip. For my 29" AMO my "true" draw length is 27 1/4". But for some reason it seems more guys measure to the back of the bow than the belly. :shrug:

I guess standards are there for a reason: To be ignored!