Nice eating! While I enjoy salt water fishing, there is just nothing that can match the relaxing, and fun properties, of fishing with a plain ol cane pole, and a can of worms. Oh, yeah, and a cold beer, and sub sandwich.

We used to use little foam jitter bugs, and small poppers to catch them also. When I was a kid, we used to sneak into a posted cow pasture, where the guy raised Brahma Bulls, and there was an irrigation ditch, that was about 8-10 foot wide, and I have no idea how deep, but it was deeper than my cane pole!, anyway, there was a board locks where we would fish, and we would come back with over twenty big blue gills, and shell crackers, each time we went there. We could have caught more, but that was all we felt like cleaning. They were so tasty. But in a few years, the guy sold the property, and now it is a high class Mr. and Mrs. Got Rocks, golf club community called Atlantis. It made us sick, when they bull dozed the drainage ditches, and all those fish! My Grand father used to make the little foam lures, with cellophane wings, and rubber band legs, and I never could find the kind of foam he used. Then Mullet (Eddie) told me about using flip flops for making them! Pretty slick. Those little swamp boats are great! They have a version of it on steroids in Thailand. Much bigger engines, but bigger wooden boats also. I wonder if that is where they got the idea. Thailand has been using that kind for quite a while, before the Viet Nam war. Nice catch, now I'm hungry!

