I too and familiar with the feeling, when you suddenly find something like that! On my way back from teaching a clown class in Ocala, I had loaned some Baby shampoo, to one of the students, and as I was leaving, he came out with it, so I just stuck in in my little bag, behind the seat, with my Astra A-80 .45 pistol. 4-5 months later, and I am looking in my truck, and decided to check on my pistol, and see how it is doing, and I almost cried! The Baby shampoo, had leaked out, and soaked the gun. One whole side, and part of the other, was covered in rust! Even the clip in the gun it self was crusted with rust, and the spare also! I had to disassemble it, and steel wool it, and re blue the clips, and steel parts, as it had an alloy frame, and I had to use aluma black on that part, and it did not turn out as nice as i wanted. So it is still in my truck, but not in a bag, and with no Baby shampoo! Sorry to hear about your caliper. I assume that nail polish remover is pretty much the same as acetone? Is it digital, or manual? I was wondering if a soak, or wetting with liquid wrench would help.
Anyway, I know that sickening feeling, when you discover something like this. But someone's lively hood, is probably dependent, on you're getting a new one, that will go in a proper tool drawer, of on the wall.
