thanks everyone! The hardest part was getting the blade thin enough. I am not much of a pressure flaker, so I had an inordinate number of passes i had to make to get it thin. I started with a spall, and had hoped to percussion thin it , but when I got the elk ribs I realized that they were danged thin. So I used my ishi stick and ended up with several overshots during the process. . The cordage I made myself- the blade wrap being only 1/32th or less. The wrist thong is 3/16. I usually put the wrist thong hole (did i just say "thong hole"?) nearer to the center of the hole, but my friend requested it like this. He wanted me to copy a knife he had that was stolen. the guy who gave him the original knife was the guy from "Dual survivor" (dont know name, never saw the show). apparently the original had a bassalt blade- I tell you, if that guy could knap a bassalt blade thin enough to fit in an elk rib, my hat is off to him!