Author Topic: Chow down from the Woods and Garden  (Read 13105 times)

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Offline Zuma

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2014, 04:36:18 pm »
 If you go to the Dade City Knap-inn next year you can cook. ;)

Sounds good Ed. We could do Sandhill breast ( I saw some on a lawn) and gator tail.
NY guy builds the fire in Rog's weber. Maybe Rog will bring some tasty trout. Yum.

lostarrow, Pheasant your way beats cooking them in the bathroom of Motel 6.
like we do in ND. lol

Chamookman, Walleye is tops.
Try this sometime-- Summer dish.
Boil a pot of water add a beer, bring back to boil.
 Drop in two cups of 1 " cubes of Walleye  fillets for 90 seconds.
Drain and chill overnight, serve cold with an omlette in the morning.
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Offline Danzn Bar

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2014, 06:36:06 pm »
 :o Wow.....You guys, know how to eat!......  and cook!..............
Had some mighty good smoked pork this past weekend,  not sure if it was wild but, very tasty.  ;D
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Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2014, 10:02:13 pm »
I don't really care for fish as a food but I do remember, when I was many years younger, cooking a Pike I had caught by wrapping it up in tin foil with some butter and onions then cooking it on a fire.  It was actually pretty good, for fish  :)
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Offline Zuma

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2014, 10:29:26 pm »
Well let's hope the smoke came from the woods Dan. lol

Marc while pike, musky and pickerel can be very bony they are really sweet meat.
We usually just brought Italian dressing on canoe fishing/camping trips.
No refrig needed.  I would have loved to join you eating that pike.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 11:19:52 am by Zuma »
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Offline chamookman

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2014, 05:07:09 am »
Zuma - I've been known to cook a few extra Walleye fillets so I have leftovers. The Next day I flake the Fish and make patties like Salmon patties - WAY GOOD with Walleye, MMMMMMMMMMMMMM ! Bob
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Offline Zuma

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2014, 11:23:28 am »
Can you elaborate on the patties? Sound tasty.

Sometimes in the summer I catch some pan fish. Sunnies, Redeye, perch etc.
You know the sweet tasting ones.
Poor mans lobster--
I fillet them bite sized. Quick poach with a dash of salt. Drain and dip in drawn butter.
Just like lobster. Serve with a garden salad.
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Offline Crogacht

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2014, 07:13:16 pm »
I just had breakfast and you guys are still making me hungry.... man, some good stuff here.

Offline Zuma

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2014, 11:30:19 pm »
That's what it's all about. Sometimes thinking about it is almost as good as chowin down. lol

I love to cook with red beans (kidney) but I feel impure if I post some dishes with them. I don't grow them.
Anyone here grow these awesome beans?
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Offline nclonghunter

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2014, 09:19:50 am »
Zuma, I have grown some Black Eyed Peas that are one of my favorites.

Two favorite fish- fresh flathead catfish cubed and breaded then deep fried and blackened Maui Maui..grilled Salmon is also pretty tasty...just not a big fish eater myself. I am guessing the fish cakes would be smashed and mixed with bread crumbs and cooked like a hamburger, or something similar.

Had fresh salad greens from the garden and elk steaks the other night. That was a Gooder.
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Don Case

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2014, 11:55:40 am »
A few years back we were out camping and I decided I was going to make beans. I soaked the dry navy beans overnight. In the morning I built a tripod over the fire, mixed up all the ingredients and started slow cooking. I tended the fire and stirred the beans for eight hours. Long process. We sat down for supper and spooned out the beans. They tasted exactly like Libby's beans out of the can. :( :(  I was so disappointed, never used navy beans again. Kidney beans only.

Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2014, 04:32:22 pm »
That's not so bad Don

When I was much younger, I think I was in my teens, I decided I was going to make some spaghetti sauce.  I started with a can of Tomato paste and started to add ingredients to it.  I didn't really know what I was doing and I certainly wasn't following a recipe.  When I was done I tasted my finished tasted just like Campbell Tomato Soup  :o
Home of heat-treating, Corbeil, On.  Canada

Don Case

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2014, 05:50:10 pm »
It would be good with crackers but not spagetti :P

Offline chamookman

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2014, 03:34:40 am »
Zuma - Flake the Fish in a bowl and add the following (all amounts aprx) - half a sleeve of Saltines crushed, half a small Onion diced fine, one Egg, a "splash" of Milk and a heaping Tbs. of Miracle Whip. Mix well and let stand in the fridge for an hour or so. Form the mixture into patties and drop in a hot cast iron - brown well on both sides and ENJOY ! Bob
"May the Gods give Us the strength to draw the string to the cheek, the arrow to the barb and loose the flying shaft, so long as life may last." Saxon Pope - 1923.

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2014, 10:18:10 am »
I cooked deer ribs yesterday, one whole side cut into serving sized pieces. First I pressure cooked the ribs for 25 minutes which made the meat tender and about the consistency of pot roast. I coated half with a good rib rub and a little olive oil, the other half I planned to use BBQ sauce on.

I put the ribs on the charcoal grill with plenty of hickory chunks for smoke. After the meat browned I slathered on the BBQ sauce and slightly blackened the meat.

Off the gill both the rib rub and BBQ sauce ribs were spectacular. I served them up with white beans with county ham in them, collards out of the garden, peaches and cream corn, a big slice of onion and plenty of pickled jalapeno sauce for the greens. Like Pappy says, " Life is Good"!

Offline Zuma

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Re: Chow down from the Woods and Garden
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2014, 11:22:07 am »
My mouth is watering LOL,
I love tomato soup. The fish cakes sound soooo tasty.
I have had elk burger and want more.

Eric the rib meal is totally pick nick worthy.
My X got into crock pot backbones. Man they are good too!
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