Author Topic: Steam bending laminated bow wood using Smooth-On EA 40 epoxy  (Read 2528 times)

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Offline BrokenArrow

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Has anyone used heated steam bending for laminated bow woods which have Smooth-On EA 40 epoxy as the glue holding the pieces together?
Does it work?? or will the Epoxy separate from the wood?

Don Case

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Re: Steam bending laminated bow wood using Smooth-On EA 40 epoxy
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2014, 03:56:42 pm »
Go here,-Silicone-an/c11_1125_1179/index.html

About halfway down the page is a button "Technical bulletin" Push It. In there it says that the heat distortion temperature is 173 degrees depending on how you mixed and cured the epoxy. I think steaming would make it fail. Epoxies also have a thing called "glass transition temperature". You might want to Google that.