Author Topic: ipe selfbow designs?  (Read 4975 times)

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Offline P.W. Smith

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ipe selfbow designs?
« on: December 28, 2007, 08:52:34 pm »
does anyone have a good design for a 60-70 lbs at 28 inch draw ipe selfbow?

Rich Saffold

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Re: ipe selfbow designs?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2007, 11:25:22 pm »
I have a couple  ;D The first one is a longbow style, and there is a good photo of one Bob (kowechobe) made for my article in the Aug./Sept. issue PA..Hopefully he will chime in on the exact dimensions, but I have made them 1 1/8th thru the grip to under 1/2" tips, and 70-72" long.

The other is a 64" pyramid 1 1/2" wide outside the fades tapering in a subtle concave line to small tips 3/8ths' or so.

Ipe is stronger in compression so make sure you have the back following one ring, and coming from the tropics really doesn't like to get too dry unless backed, and then it can take bone dry conditions...


Offline P.W. Smith

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Re: ipe selfbow designs?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 12:55:41 pm »
thank you! I will try to make one out of the first bows dimensions-and yes, I've seen that bow in the august PA magazine. gorgeous bow...

Offline Coo-wah-chobee

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Re: ipe selfbow designs?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2007, 07:30:28 pm »
...........P.W.------the bow I built that was in Rich's PA article last fall . The dimensions are as follows. 58 " ntn, 60" overall. 1 3/16 " at center tapering ta 1/2 " tips with 5 1/16 " diamond pin nocks. Its 3/4 "at 8 " from tips. Sorry took so long ta answer but I had ta scrounge around for the notes since I gave the bow away some time ago. If ya care about such things as speed I put it through a friends chronograph and it shot average of 178 fps with 500 grain arra. With a 600 grain arra it averaged 146 fps, plenty fer huntin which is what I do. I took a nice hawg with it gave it away and the fellow who has it now took a hawg and a deer with it so far. Thanx fer compliment on bow. Happy holidays..........bob

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« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 07:33:26 pm by Kowechobe »