
Which bowyer will win?

Jmilbrandt's New Juniper Bark Backed Bow
9 (7.1%)
Simson's Osage sinewed static for Kare
19 (15%)
Pearl Drums Hippy yew and sinew bow
27 (21.3%)
Gun Doc's “Paleo Feo” sinew backed Osage
22 (17.3%)
Marc St Louis' Another HHB recurve
15 (11.8%)
Kleinpm's 45 ˝ inch chokecherry gull wing
5 (3.9%)
Bubby's purpleheart and maple
11 (8.7%)
Almostpighunter's Rawhide Backed Maple 84” Design Experiment
8 (6.3%)
Wizardgoat's juniper and cherry bark bow #5
11 (8.7%)

Total Members Voted: 104

Voting closed: May 13, 2014, 03:49:21 pm

Author Topic: Vote for April Backed BOM!!!  (Read 7865 times)

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Offline Parnell

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Re: Vote for April Backed BOM!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2014, 01:37:22 pm »
Congratulations, Chris.  Whew!  Talk about a close race, that was a tough field, for sure.  Many winners in that group.