Thanks everyone for brilliant feed back as usual!

The chap has a aiming method where he sights the target using the pile tip of the arrow, the bow I just made him is spot on for 80 yards, but he just cant adjust for 100......( Im not quite sure why.....maybe he should aim a little heigher

His draw length is standard 28 and he seems to be able to handle is 63@28 really well.
The bow I made him is hickory/beech/lemonwood. about 72" NTN. full compass.
He wants a bow with better cast, rather than higher pondage. But I do have a selection of bows he could try upto 100lbs@28 to see if he can handle them.
What do you all think about.
1. Shorter
2. Different materials...( as has already been discussed. But will it make a huge difference?)
3. Higher poundage
4. All of the above.
Thanks again