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  • MOJAM: July 18, 2008 - July 20, 2008

Author Topic: MOJam  (Read 56395 times)

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Offline koan

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #75 on: July 18, 2008, 03:28:10 pm »
Crazy things come up sometimes...I cant make it :(.....Brian
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Offline loyd

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #76 on: July 20, 2008, 10:03:24 pm »
well mojam is over for another year, it was hot, but the kids didnt seem to notice. there were kids every where, big ones little ones and us old ones. it was a blast and only 365 days till the next one. maby i can get some more kids bows built. love to see them shoot. like always marshell archery club took good care of us. thanks for all the work you put into this. loyd (ps this kid is tired)

Offline tom sawyer

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #77 on: July 20, 2008, 11:00:06 pm »
We missed ya Brian, hope things are OK.

We had a fine time as usual.  Set up our day camp next to Paul and his family, they were the best neighbors you could have.  He and I have a lot in common.  Both of us have wives that are better looking and smarter than us.  Can't beat that.  When you think of our camp, picture butterfly porkchops on the grill and homegrown Anaheim peppers stuffed with jack cheese and wrapped in bacon.  Then add a brown ale homebrew and some Boulevard Belgian ale.  To top it off, our kids decided that whittling was the new fun thing to do and all of them spent quite some time debarking twigs and sharpening them into mini-spears.  Happy to report no digits were lost during this activity.

I was particularly pleased to make a couple of trades I'd arranged through this site.  Got a fine mulberry stave from Kayakfisher, and he even threw in some rawhid backing strips that I'll use on the mulberry if things go well.  I also scored some black and mahogany obsidian from treekiller, hope the osage stave works out for you.  Thanks to both of you.  I also traded for some stinging nettle stalks for a natural fiber string, I'm looking forward to working with that.  Thought it was worth some sinew to avoid harvesting my own "itch weed".  Sal traded me a yucca blank for a kids quiver, the other two got them last year so this rounds out the set.

Met up and talked with several PAers, Rich Saffold showed me some of his famous BBIs, met Steve aka Badger.  He actually looked a little like a Badger, hehe.

I also spent a few bucks and got some real bargains.  Got a nice piece of cocobolo for a knife handle, bought three rolls of B50 on sale, and some shock cord.  Also snatched up Butch's best Santa wood carving.  I got greedy at the auction and bought a very nice stone point, a great kids bow made by Loyd, a basket quiver and a JD Jones Phenom longbow.  The kids bow is for my step-daughter, its sinew-backed osage with copperheads and cow horn tips, about as fancy as it gets.  I'll post pics of it and my Phenom on the bow forum.

We packed up and headed home today, only a 2.5 hour drive.  Got back to a garden full of cucumbers, back to making pickles tomorrow.  After work, unfortunately.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 11:51:29 pm by tom sawyer »
Hannibal, MO


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Re: MOJam
« Reply #78 on: July 20, 2008, 11:30:37 pm »
We had a good time, agian. 

The kids like the new bows they got Sat morning.  Thanks to the guys that were making them.  They wanted to shoot more than we had time to.  With the kids' around I never get to shoot!  Maybe next year they will be able to shoot with out as much help.  The kids realy enjoyed Loyd's G-kids.

Leave it to Loyd to bring a swiming pool!  Nice touch.

I have to give credit to Little Tree for a very good talk about bow making.  Thanks.

Marshell archery club great job again.  Thanks ;D

I hope every one makes it home okay.  I am one of the lucky ones and have a short drive.  We got home unpacked an made some home made icecream. :-*


Offline Otoe Bow

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #79 on: July 20, 2008, 11:53:48 pm »
Sounds like a blast.  I've got to make it up there some time. I made it to Pappy's classic this year and it's even further, so who knows............  ::)

So far, I haven't found any Osage or knappable rock over here.  Embrace the suck


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Re: MOJam
« Reply #80 on: July 21, 2008, 01:38:33 am »
I went to all of them except the last three years and the very first one.  I really miss being able to come to the event and if nothing else talk with friends like Butch Speer and Ralph Renfro.  It seems to coincide with one of the busy seasons of my work and being a fairly new division (read the last three years bit earlier!) I'm just not able to get away.  That and since moving to the big city I don't really have any convenient place to shoot.  In fact I've only shot a bow a half dozen times in the last four years and believe me it's quite stressful.

But I want to thank all of you for posting your pics and comments about MoJam over the last several years on the forums as it keeps the selfbow interest smoldering in the back of my mind.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 01:45:45 am by Blues Stringer »

Offline Pat B

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #81 on: July 21, 2008, 01:51:52 am »
OK guys, you know pics are required!!! >:(   Cough them up.  Sounds like a typical hot Mojam. One of these years, I'm gonna make it. It has been penciled on my calender for years.      Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline tom sawyer

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #82 on: July 21, 2008, 09:55:43 am »
Sorry to say, we didn't bring a camera.  However I'm sure there'll be plenty of photos.  Pat, your bow was a beauty, it came up for bids after I'd grabbed the other one though.  It brought a good price (again by MOJAM standards), when a selfbow brings over $100 that means the crowd recognizes it was made by a superior bowyer and someone people know and like.  Of course your bow fell in that category.  Keith also explained why you sent the bow and how much he appreciated your generosity.
Hannibal, MO

Offline PaulN/KS

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #83 on: July 21, 2008, 10:07:47 am »
Yep, another Mojam bites the "dust", we had a great time camped next to Lennie and his family, and he is so right in his discription of our wives. They were real quiet neighbors at night too. Almost as if they had gone somewhere else to sleep... ;) Sure is great seeing the familiar faces and lots of new ones too. The folks at the club in Marshall do a great job. Thanks to Keith  and all of them for their hard work putting this on each year.
Lennie neglected to mention the he was the winner of the Hatchet Bow challenge this year. He made a great little bow that was fast, well tillered and plenty stout to hunt with. I'll let him fill us in on the "stats" and details but Buz, Dave and I all enjoyed shooting it . Lennie also had a backup entry that I watched him whittle out in camp on Friday that was a good shooter as well. This guy has a lot talent...he makes good beer too.
1/2 primative was camped across the way and as always it was great to see him in motion all weekend. He is another talented fellow and a great kid. We should make sure to thank his dad for bringing him up each year.

Offline 1/2primitive

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #84 on: July 21, 2008, 11:39:22 am »
Another great Mojam, another good year.  :)
It was great meeting so many new guys on here and Paleo planet. Jim Sinclair, Richard Saffold, Steve Gardner, Dano, Tim memory fails me on kayakfisher's name, but the list goes on. Needless to say, I had a great time. ;D
I got plenty of materials, including some dogwood shafts from Paul, and a very nice osage stave. I'm looking forward to working that stave, it's about the straightest piece of hedge I've worked.
I met a 'youngster' (I know, y'all are thinking that I'm in that group, too. ;D) His name is Cody, 12 years old, and making his own bows and arrows, and he reminded me of myself when I was his age.  ;)  He and his dad Shaun have been learning to make bows in the last year or so. They came to the right place. :)
I've got a few pictures, I'll hopefully post them later today.
     Sean :)
Dallas/Fort Worth Tx.

Offline kayakfisher

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #85 on: July 21, 2008, 09:26:27 pm »
Well a lot has been wrote about Mo jam so far so there is not a lot I could say. Well actually there is so here go's, this was my second Mo jam to attend and I think I received more out of it this year.Part of what makes these events is the neighbors that surround you. Camped to our left was 1/2 primitive and his dad ,never knew they were there very quite, across the way was Tom Sawyer and Paul never really met Paul except in passing while walking our dogs.But we knew they were there by the aroma of the delicious food cooking mentioned earlier ,Did trade some mullberry with Tomsawyer for some sinew and he was kind enough to show me how to use it.And did trade with big Al for some turkey feathers . Both trades were set up on this forum thank you guys.Really enjoyed the old boy that did the primitive cord seminar ,made one out of Pompass grass when I got home.On a different note I did take my wife and daughter as well as my son this year. My wife got up at 5:30 Friday morning and noticed that they where hosing out the porta potties.And she stated to me that of all the events that we attend through out the year ,that they had the cleanest porta potties . Must be a female thing . So Mo bow if you read this thanks. Thanks to Micky Lotz hopefully I spelled that right  on the Cane arrow demo really helps me out a lot .But to sum this up I learned that being primitive is not doing with second best, or being an an eccentric .But learning to be efficient with what the man upstairs has provided [sorry about the religous insert wont happen agian]But everthing one actually needs is abundant if one only takes the time to look .And a speacal thanks to 1/2 primitves Dad for offering to give me a jump when I left the key on for rolling up my windows.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 09:30:35 pm by kayakfisher »
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Offline Bob Barnes

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Re: MOJam
« Reply #86 on: July 22, 2008, 12:19:43 am »
It was great as always...our camp was as full as it has been in years with the return of Rich after several years away...Steve it was great to have you and John Murray in our camp as was nice to see Joe Marty back too.

The demos were awesome, the food was great, the auction was too much fun, the temps were HOT, but that didn't slow things down one bit...  :)

If you have never been...go next year.

Seems like common sense isn't very common any more...