I am with Dharma. I bought my Girl Friend a S&W air weight, in .38 . That is what she wanted for a back up weapon. Well I bought her one, and she was not happy with it, because after a few cylinders of firing, at the range for qualifying, it would swell, and be tight to open, and eject the shells. It is mainly made with titanium with steel inserts for the barrel, and cylinder. So I took it to the gun show, and sold it, and bought her a Ruger LCP in .380. She loves it. I bought that for her, because I got real stupid. I showed her mine, with the laser sights, and she immediately wanted one. The real stupid part was that we were on the way to a gun show. Needless to say, she came home with a LCP with laser sights. I didn't get the laser for shooting, though it is sighted in, but for the psychological effects. Like Dharma said most threats are up close and personal. But if you are aware of your surroundings, you can usually spot someone who is acting a little suspicious, and be ready for something they might be ready to do. The laser is great for the effect, that Hollywood has manufactured for us. OOOH...uh oh, he has a laser

..... he can't miss!


I have an old S&W .38 Air Weight, one of the first ones that came out, that My Brother had, and then I gave it to my Mother, and she loved it. I had large grips put on it. It was very accurate. I carried plus p's in it, with 125 grain hollow points, but never shot them in it much. It stood up to them. I normally shot normal .38's in it. But a revolver for a woman who does not shoot much, is ideal, as it is pretty straight forward. Some women for some reason, just can't coordinate the push pull of an automatic slide. Plus the safety is confusing to them. My Girlfriend is a State Arson Detective, and is quite proficient with automatics. Unfortunately, she now has quite a few of my guns, I gave her when she first started the academy many years ago. I wish I had those guns now. She has a 4 inch S&W .357 which she dearly loves. You might consider one of those. You can load them with .38's to practice with, and then move up to plus P's, and then carry the real deal. A long time ago, I dated a girl who was in the FDLE, and got her to shooting well, by starting off with a .22, then a .38, and then a .357 I bought her an Air Weight, the first type of Air Weights, with the Aluminum alloy, and she liked it a lot. She later traded the .38 Air Weight for a "Jam o matic" Walther ppk! In .380, any way, good luck, and get her used to shooting, and encourage her, let her know as long as the front of the gun is facing away from her, that it is just noise.

good luck. Oh, yeah, good hearing and eye protection during practice.
