Author Topic: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying  (Read 12534 times)

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Offline lostarrow

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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2014, 01:06:52 am »
Non working tips and stiff handle is what I was looking at bubby. I know you can make shorter with longer draws , and you've made some fabulous bows , but I'm talking about this bow ............... don't you see , we are trying to get this fellow hooked on making his own bows  ;)

Offline PatM

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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2014, 01:49:08 am »
I would at least cut a backing strip off it.


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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2014, 04:07:37 am »
Never string a bow like you described and never leave a wooden bow stood up on one of it's tips. humidity level is almost ALWAYS higher at ground level (water is heavy stuff) if a bow is left like this for a long time it will absorb more moisture in the lower limb then when you go to bend it.....the lower limb will also have a load on it the whole time it's left stood up.
Don't even think about fixing this bow. Put it on the wall and admire and remember from there!

Offline jojo

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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2014, 04:24:49 am »
Non working tips and stiff handle is what I was looking at bubby. I know you can make shorter with longer draws , and you've made some fabulous bows , but I'm talking about this bow ............... don't you see , we are trying to get this fellow hooked on making his own bows  ;)

So you believe that the design may not have been well suited for that draw length in the first place. How far would you tIller the tips to improve the design assuming it wasn't compromised with fretts. I would like to make a copy but I want to improve its design. as a side note that bow seems like it would stack at full draw making it somewhat unpleasant to shoot. It threw an arrow pretty good but it wasn't smooth or sweet to shoot. could that be attributed to the stiff tips? I thought stacking only had to do with string angle but it just didn't want to go that extra inch to anchor.

Offline jojo

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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2014, 04:47:43 am »
use this layout and you will get a good bow,35312.0.html

I'll start one of these this week since I'm down a bow. Thx for the link.

Offline RyanR

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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2014, 10:29:08 am »
Hinge in the middle of the lower limb. Looks like an opportunity for you to make a new bow.

Offline adb

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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2014, 10:40:05 am »
Like I asked...

If you stood that bow in the corner, and braced it as described, it's mostly your fault that it's dead. I know you already mentioned this, and I'm glad you recognise your mistakes. I can't see an experienced bowyer sending out a bow like that with a horrible hinge. Push/pull stringing, and store your bows horizontally on a rack!

Also, if it's your first bow, I'd stay away from a T/D. Get a nice hard board with good grain (minimal cost) and make some sawdust. 

Offline lostarrow

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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2014, 10:44:09 am »
If you're new to the game you can't go wrong with the link  Bubby gave you. Try that one first . Like I said, the  bow you have was really pushing the limits of design. That's what it's all about though , and if the bowyer was into flight shooting ,that explains a lot. After you build a few ,then start to tinker with design a bit at a time. If you throw a whole bunch of new ideas on a bow at one time , and it fails ,you might not know what the true cause was , or if it was a culmination of many flaws.

  The design of the bow is a good one. I build  most of my bows with stiff tips and a stiff handle. You just have to be sure that there is enough working wood to handle your draw length . If stiff tips are kept to about 5-6 "  with a little more bending towards the tips than what your bow was doing, you can optimise the lever action you are looking for while keeping the tips light. This reduces hand shock. It also makes more of the working limb share the load instead of putting the lions share towards the handle. If you need more draw length you can make the handle section shorter. (depending on how you hold the bow) or you could add overall length to the bow. Remember though , there is a very fine line between high performance and durability.

  These are just a few suggestions for that design but  "there's many paths up the mountain". good luck!

 Thanks for the link ,Bubby.

Offline lostarrow

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Re: HELP!!! My custom made selfbow is dying
« Reply #53 on: January 25, 2014, 10:45:25 am »
Make sure you check your true draw length before proceeding. It looks like it may be longer than you think.