As this is all just armchair bowmaking at the moment, so it includes making my own thickness sander or adapting my belt sander

In reality I've got to sort out my Yew staves that aren't suitable for longbows and plan what I actually want to do.
A friend gave me some Hickory backing lams... and I'm sort of thinking flight longbow, Hick' backed Yew.
I got over 300 yards last year... so 350 would be nice

I have ideas for crossbow prods too and bows with highly angled levers etc.
Like most of us I expect I have more ideas than time!
I'm trying to avoid wasting timber, hence the question. Next time I order any bandsaw blades I'll get a nice wide one. I'll also examine my belt sander to see if it will lend itself to being bodified to work as a thickness sander.
I've got an old electric planer too, maybe that could be modified as a thicknesser or sander. Once I've worked out how to cut parallel lams I'll have a look at making some tapered ones.
At the moment everyone wants self Yew warbows, which would be fine if I had the wood, but I don't!
I want to spend some time making the bows I want to experiment with. Mostly I'm into self bows, but we just gotta try everything haven't we?

Not much room in my workshop either... and I don't think Mrs Cat

will let me bring the woodworking indoors
