Hey fellas,
was roughing out some sticks today and had an Ironwood stave that had a little funus problem dead center. So I though I would bend it to failure and take some pics. Think of it as a visual of the failure mechanics, I guess.
The first one is the original failure which did not occure until the limbs was damned near to touching.....and even then it did not "explode" just sort of gently folded....
Second and third are pics of the same piece that I pulled off, and then bent them till they broke.....one was a "counter-flex" and the other was bending to the belly.
What struck me was the tenacity of the wood, even though this was not full strength wood. Hope this may help some of you that wondered about it.....picture is worth a thousand words,eh

Mod's feel free to move if ya want this someplace else.