Author Topic: Mongolian horn bow  (Read 10600 times)

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Offline Bwingle82

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Re: Mongolian horn bow
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2014, 10:39:31 am »
I wish I could man both extended fams here I got my parents only grandchild and I'm a licensed contractor self employed all my work is very established here! Leaving is easier said than done!! I plenty of unregistered firearms! When the shit hits the fan I'll be arming the neighbors!! :)

Offline lostarrow

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Re: Mongolian horn bow
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2014, 11:21:43 am »
Ugh archer 1 I regret to inform you that long gun registration begun jan 1st here in communist California that being said all long guns must run through ffl type 01! Basically making c&r good for out of state face to face cash and carry only! And then you would still be breaking the law not to register them upon entering Cali! But the burden of proof lies with law enforcement to prove you didn't already have that antique!!! I can say that is one instance where I would never go out of my way to register a weapon! Registration leads to confiscation!! Happening in New York just like it did in nazi Germany and communist Russia history repeats itself! It's sad when society becomes to ignorant to learn what happens when a tyrannical government starts disarming people!! The founding fathers I believe it was Jefferson told us if a law violates the constitution you are not only obliged to disregard it! But you must not submit yourself to it!! Please don't take this the wrong way I don't suggest anybody break any laws and carry out my transactions with others for firearms in lawful manner as not to put anyone else in an unlawful situation!! I also keep up with all my states draconian gun laws (a daunting task)!! Just to make sure! One more founder quote James Madison "Congress shall pass no laws from which they themselves are exempt"!! The California senate at the end of 2013 voted themselves exempt from all the tyrannical gun bills they introduced!!! Tyrants
That's where that stupid law went when we kicked it the hell out of Canada! I thought it just crawled away to the backwaters of Quebec to try and regroup. Sorry.  (we don't want it back, BTW)

Offline Gus

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Re: Mongolian horn bow
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2014, 03:21:28 am »
Sure would like to have a Bow like that some day...

Wanted one for some time.
But it took me Way Longer to find my Garrand...


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"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX