Change of plans. I reserve one week of vacation to fund my trip to the classic. Three break downs last week put us in a bind and I had to use that vacation to cover bills. In the last seven days I have spent six in motels. $7,000 dollars in wrecker bills, $400 in motel rooms, plus food and other assorted expense not including the cost of the actual repairs, I shoulda went fishin'. My boss and I both would've been way ahead. I'm completely disgusted. The classic has become the highlight of my year and now I have to miss it because of break downs that are completely the fault of do nothing, feel good emissions legislation forced on the country by a few states. If this stuff really cleaned up pollution, I'd be all for it. Simple fact is, it don't. I'll quit now before I really go postal. Sorry for the rant, my disappointment is quite profound and i really needed to vent. Josh