So today my friend came over and we worked on our bows. My eastern red cedar bow broke and i had already gotten it to 28" draw before so it was not a problem with tiller, I think it was the knot that was were the explosion crack seems to have originated. It was a sad thing but I've learned to be less attached to things now. His broke as he was bracing it, I think it broke because there was a splinter lifting, Maybe another Knot as well. We had a good time though and his ash is coming along nicely. I also am having him rawhide the ash because there is a crack in the handle that has started, Its not bad yet but we want to avoid any problems with this one. I also split a nice piece of scotch broom and have started debarking my half, hes debarking his as well. We hope to get one out of each. I will probably update as we get things done. Nice to be back at this!