figured I'd throw another "dimensions" question out there

. working on a stave with a good bit of character, and a moderately high crown. Im going to follow the standard bend test as per TBB vol 1 to base my dimensions on. but its got me thinking, and i haven't seen anything in my readings yet, but do you guys have some way of determining how much longer you need to make a bow if you need to make it narrower due to crown available width of the stave? decrowning is not really an option for this stave, and you'll see why when i post pictures

. this stave will allow 68" and im going to use every bit of it.... im really just asking the question because i was wondering and i haven't come across any rules or guidelines. i figure something like if you have to make it a quarter inch narrower then make it 3 inches longer or somethin like that?
this could be useful info for another bow in the works, black locust billets that will only allow me 1.5" width.