Author Topic: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein" (more pics added)  (Read 11833 times)

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Offline horsetime

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Re: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein"
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2013, 10:03:23 pm »
By Robin Hood I assume you mean a Mongolian/Hunnish style short reflex/deflex that he would have picked up during the Crusades, not a whacking great longbow which would be totally useless in woodland and forested areas right?

Can of worms opened...


no i was thinking of a longbow. as ive only seen him with a R/D bow in the T.V show but in the movies he has a Longbow.

In the BBC Robin Hood TV series Robin carries a "Saracen Bow" according to the show.  The character picked it up in the middle east during his time in the Crusades.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 10:06:34 pm by horsetime »

Offline BowSlayer

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Re: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein"
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2013, 04:51:59 am »
Do you have a subscription to PA? Josh

no not yet. why?

To enter BOM, you need a sub to the mag.

ok ill sub to the mag. not just for BOM but for all the other stuff in it to! when is it too late to submit the bow for october? or is it to late now?
London, England.


Offline adb

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Re: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein"
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2013, 09:36:13 am »
You can submit a bow whenever you want, regardless of when it was made.

Offline BowSlayer

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Re: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein"
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2013, 10:06:28 am »
But is there a deadline for the October one?
London, England.


Offline Josh B

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Re: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein"
« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2013, 10:24:01 am »
If you get your sub today and pm criveraville with your sub number and a link to this thread, I'm pretty sure you will get entered.  But don't delay!  Josh

Offline violet313

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Re: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein"
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2013, 05:42:52 pm »
Thx for the pm Mr Bowslayer :)  &having read thro some of your posts, i feel the need to reply publicly.,,

No. i am not a bowyer.  ~i just got lucky first time around. it sometimes happens like that lol. on the other hand, you my friend are a bowyer. here's why i think so:

you show a keen interest. &on this forum, don't just lurk but are brave enough to participate, ask questions & let folk know what you're up to.

in the process of making your sticks, you have taken some stick. yet you have clearly been able to identify the good advice and at the same time have not been dis-heartened by the odd naysayer. good for you ;)

&you have dared to take-on difficult things despite being warned not to. this is of course foolishness, but afaik, the only way to becoming adept is like this, since the fool knows no bounds!  rotfl 

although i am far from qualified, frankenstein seems a well tillered & v.fine & lovely bow! -i also like the z~grip ;)

my only suggestion would be, now that you have a good feel for the tillering business, to concentrate on choosing the right piece of wood. whatever the endeavour, i tend to think most of the real work is done before the physical work begins, if that makes any sense.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 07:59:50 pm by violet313 »

Offline BowSlayer

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Re: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein"
« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2013, 06:40:15 pm »
thanks violet. iv'e acctually left this bow at the club for everyone and anyone to use, scince it was made for the event. also if i do get tired of shooting my  FG recurve (which im thinking of returning) i can always just pull this bow down off the shelf/ wall thingy we have and then use it.  :laugh:
London, England.


Offline BowSlayer

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Re: Halloween Bow. "frankenstein"
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2013, 06:52:48 pm »
ok this bit is't really about bows but there some more pics from the event including a group photo. just thought i'd share these too as i wasn't sure to post them before. ::)

this is the target wall

the bow had a "frankenstein" string made from two bits of cordage tied together. this kept braking with each shot and messed up my shooting so the string you see in the other pictures is from my recurve.

also im not sure if i posted this its a ghost i put on the back of the bow just above the handle on the top limb.
London, England.
