Author Topic: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?  (Read 7708 times)

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Offline chamookman

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2013, 04:16:00 am »
I've eaten LOTS of road kill Whitetail. There is a creek about 200 yards from My house, and the deer cross there regularly. The Yuppies are usually so shook up from hitting Bambi, I talk them out of the "Poor Deer" soon as the permit is written by the Police  >:D. Bob
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Offline Pappy

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2013, 05:38:52 am »
Done it several times,nothing needed in TN. but pick it up and get it out of the way. ;) :)
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Offline Olanigw (Pekane)

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2013, 09:30:15 am »
Here in Vermont, you can only have the carcass you hit if you call it in to the police.  The officer has to determine it was an accident, then you can take it home.  If he determines you did it on purpose, you're a poacher and get written up.

I've heard rumors that VT DFW maintains a call list for every county to pick up fresh kill, but there's nothing on the website and I haven't wanted the meat bad enough to call my warden about it.
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Offline bowtarist

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2013, 11:29:43 am »
Long as you know what you're doin when you clean it, and it sounds like you do.  I have probably gotten more RKill deer then I've killed with a weapon.  :-[ I've hit um, seen um hit, found um on my way home when they wern't there when I was going, killed a couple that wern't dead, called the sheriff on most, and on a couple didn't worry about it.  Usually some where is bruised up and not worth using, the dog will eat that though.  Supposed to call the law, but they sometimes have no idea what to do, specially late night, and someone may call you back or may not where I live. I say go for it if your comfortable with it and watch out for bad spots.  I like the idea of krewson's method of guttless quartering. I did that to a turkey once. dp
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Offline silverfox

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2013, 02:49:57 pm »
One year I shot two and cleaned three road kill. One wasn't dead when I stopped. It's back was broken and it was sitting on it's haunches, and everybody driving by was taking pictures untill I stopped and hit it in the head with a hammer and loaded it up.

Putting it out of its misery was the thing to do, but the hammer part is too funny  LOL  LOL  LOL
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Offline mullet

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2013, 04:40:14 pm »
That's all I had ::). Stopped at the 7-11, bought some Zip Locks and got to the job and hung it from the side rearview mirrow on the Drill rig and skinned and deboned it. ;D
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Offline jeffhalfrack

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2013, 04:44:15 pm »
You did the right thing!  now you must have a Taco night!............ good on you  JeffW

Offline mcginnis6010

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2013, 10:41:28 pm »
The wife wasnt too happy about it bein inthe trunk of her car but she stopped complaining when she saw all the steaks, tenderloins and burger meat lol. I actually felt better about butchering him up than when i kill them myself. I think its because i didnt let it go to waste and was able to shoe the animal respect by using as much of him as i could instead of letting him rot.
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2013, 10:54:00 pm »
One year I shot two and cleaned three road kill. One wasn't dead when I stopped. It's back was broken and it was sitting on it's haunches, and everybody driving by was taking pictures untill I stopped and hit it in the head with a hammer and loaded it up.

Putting it out of its misery was the thing to do, but the hammer part is too funny  LOL  LOL  LOL

Now picture mullet in 90's parachute pants, tank top, and too many gold chains doing a little dance before doing the double tap with his roofing hammer..."HAMMERTIME"
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Offline silverfox

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2013, 10:23:35 am »
One year I shot two and cleaned three road kill. One wasn't dead when I stopped. It's back was broken and it was sitting on it's haunches, and everybody driving by was taking pictures untill I stopped and hit it in the head with a hammer and loaded it up.

Putting it out of its misery was the thing to do, but the hammer part is too funny  LOL  LOL  LOL

Now picture mullet in 90's parachute pants, tank top, and too many gold chains doing a little dance before doing the double tap with his roofing hammer..."HAMMERTIME"

I can just picture people stopping and looking and taking pictures. Then someone stop conk it in the head and load it up.  I'm sure it was a sight to see lol lol. This site is awesome, what a great group of people
New to all of this primitive stuff. Just taking it all in, and learning every time I come here.

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Offline caveman2533

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2013, 08:00:19 pm »

Putting it out of its misery was the thing to do, but the hammer part is too funny  LOL  LOL  LOL

Here in PA if you find one that is not dead and you kill it you  could be fined for an illegal "taking of a deer". Doesn't matter how you kill it or if it is the right thing to do or not.  It is legal to keep roadkill but you must  call the warden and get a salvage permit.

I once found one laying between the railroad tracks hit and killed by a train. Was snow on the ground and it was still warm. Got me a permit and a fresh deer with almost no damage.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 11:28:38 pm by caveman2533 »

Offline stickbender

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Re: Thoughts and opinions on roadkill deer?
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2013, 08:53:00 pm »

     In Montana, you have to have a road kill license, or food bank license, or some such.  Most people don't bother with either, if it is fresh, grab it.  there is only one or two wardens, and a couple of game biologist, in the area where I live.  I will grab one  in a heart beat if I know it is fresh.  It is not if you hit a deer there, it is when you hit a deer.  There are  kamakaze deer in Montana.  They will wait, till you almost to them, and then jump out of the grass, or bushes, and run in front of your car, or truck.  I have had several close calls.  Very close calls.  I have picked up a wild turkey, off the side of I-95,down here in Fl. when I saw the wing flap up, as a big rig passed it.  I pulled off the side of the road, and backed up, and checked it out, and it still had fresh blood on it's wing, and was still warm, and no ants.  So it went in the back of the truck, and went home with me, and we had it for dinner!  Plus the feathers!  In Montana, road kill deer, are like road kill armadillos down here.  Like I told a friend of mine when I told him about the turkey, he said, you picked up a dead turkey, off the side of the road?!!!  Hey I ain't proud!  If it is still fresh, I will take it.  He said yeah, but it had been there, for awhile.  I said not long, and how long do you think it takes to take a fresh kill turkey, or other game back to camp, or the truck to a cooler?  No point in feeding the yotes, and fire ants!
