I'm hoping you're actually repairing the bow, and not breaking it down even more, while you're testing new procedures with her as a guinea pig...
So you 'clamped' the glue-up by wrapping it in B50? Hm, not's not the best way to go. You want to press the laminates together, not keeping them together.
Are those air bubbles really in between the laminates, or more on the edge of the glue that was oozing out? Best case scenario is that you can scrape off this excess glue, that contains the air bubbles.
Titebond glues are NOT gap filling at all. Bubbles or gaps between the lams usually mean the end of the project, as far as I'm concerned. You should have spent more time on proper surface preparation, doing a dry run and using a proven clamping method.
Post some pictures of the bow and her problems. Pics always help.