Horsetime- Pearl Drums is absolutely right!!!!! Most of these Ebay "Bowyers" Learned just enough to make a bow that looks nice strung. However these bows perform terribly if at all and break within a few weeks presuming they even last that long. The PVC bows lose poundage with each shot and are unreliable at best.
You were, for lack of a better term, ripped off in your purchase by someone who most likely knew that they were ripping you off. I did the renfaire circut for years, and to the best of my knowledge, was the only one selling all wood bows both period and modern style. The rest were selling these modern f@$#%&*%ss bows. At least now you know better. You get what you pay for.
Hey Pearlie- let me know when you get close to finishing her bow and I will happily throw in a set of arrows for her, no charge at all!!!!! Do you have a preferred set of colors there Horsetime? That way you can at least have a set that fit you and not an "Off the Shelf" set.

P.S. I would also need to know where to send them so PM me your address