Thanks everyone,
It means a lot to get such great feedback. All the complementary comments are much appreciated and just add to an already highly fulfilling experience... as beadman put it i do believe i could be hooked...
special thanks to everyone that gave such great advice during my build....
adb, blackhawk, pearl drums to mention just a few..... just goes to show how sharing (i.e. info) and caring (about somebody's success other than your own) can lead to great accomplishments. i don't know how i could pay you all back for the time and advice but i do believe in Karma and i'm sure your goodness will be repaid......
If any of you guys are ever in south baja get in touch and lets go hunt or fish.....

Bests to all..... need to get me some more Osage shipped down and i'll be on with number 3..... Maybe a Mollegabet? or a Snaky osage character bow (something real creepy)