In regards to dimensions, are you using yew or laminations? Makes a big difference.
If yew, for something over 120# just go with standard Mary rose dimensions. Each bow will come out differently of course, you can only get so far using numbers at which point you have to let the stave speak to you and dictate your next move.
Basically speaking, your handle width is 41mm and depth is 38, with a front taper almost invisible to midlimb (usually 1/8" under handle width at midlimb) then a more obvious taper towards the tip (imagine the tip is 22m wide and taper from midlimb to the tip) then 6 inches from the tip itself you finish with a hard taper to 12mm tips. Thickness taper is straight and gradual from handle to tip.
This will give you a 140# warbow provided the yew is high quality. Different yew, different weight of course. These measurements are directly from the Mary rose, and a conversation I had with Steve Stratton recently.
For a laminated bow I have no idea, never tried. I assume smaller and thinner though.