Author Topic: maple walnut maple tri lam  (Read 8021 times)

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Offline BryBow

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Re: maple walnut maple tri lam
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2013, 09:39:01 am »
Yup! I think what makes your bow so beautiful is not only the way she looks and feels but also the purpose of your Bowyers heart. Nice job Bubby.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 10:49:30 pm by BryBow »
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Offline johnston

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Re: maple walnut maple tri lam
« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2013, 08:48:46 pm »
Guys , I was at the 3D range last Saturday and was shooting with Miss Casey. Their mail is delivered
late and she was calling every 30 min. to see if her bow had arrived. Around 4 o'clock she got the word
and it was on.

bubby is a class act all the way so she had to borrow my knife to get into the perfect packaging, she almost
put out her dad's eye pulling out the bow and within six arrows she was there. This girl owns a nice recurve,
a custom longbow, a compound she won't admit to and now a bubby classic.

On sunday she shot the bubby and was lights out. My photo bucket and me ain't getting along but I have pics of
two 12's and I just plain quit with the 10's.

Best picture of all was the smile on her face....priceless. bubby, you are the man. Thank you.

Offline Aiken Archer

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Re: maple walnut maple tri lam
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2013, 02:08:36 pm »
I started doing archery in March 2012, and I started with a Mathews compound and only after a couple short months I was introduced to traditional archery and I fell in love.  My compound has been in my closet collecting dust ever since.  With traditional archery I started with a Ben Pearson recurve, and soon realized that bows are very addictive and also got a Long Bow from Stone Point Archery.  Then a few months back I met Lane Johnston, he came out to my family’s 3D archery range, it was his first time ever shooting 3D so my dad and I tagged along with him to shoot the course.  We quickly became good friends and shot the course together almost every weekend over the summer.  So a couple weeks back I received a text message from Lane telling me to come on this site and look up the bow “maple walnut maple tri lam” by Bubby and he also said that one is yours it will be on your doorstep soon.   I was completely shocked and so excited.  So it came in the mail Saturday afternoon, I absolutely love it, and  after just one hour of shooting it I actually was able to hit a tennis ball!  Then Sunday morning Lane came out to shoot and was surprised that I was going to shoot the course so soon with my new bow!  I actually shot quite well and scored a 196 on the course!  I am looking forward to beating that score very soon hopefully.  Bubby, I thank you so much it is such an amazing bow, I absolutely love it!  You do such amazing work and I truly thank you!   And Thank you Lane for introducing me to primitive archery!!!  Thanks Casey

Offline Aiken Archer

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Re: maple walnut maple tri lam
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2013, 02:31:34 pm »
Here are some pictures of me shooting last weekend when I got it.... Thanks, Casey

Offline bubby

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Re: maple walnut maple tri lam
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2013, 05:48:29 pm »
i'm glad you like the bow Casey, man you shoot a heck of a lot better than I do, Bub
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