Mein Gott! Das iss Goot!

Man you are indeed a master bowyer!

Absolutely beautiful!

105 lbs. at full draw?!!!!! You say you can "ONLY" pull it back to 90lbs.?!! I couldn't even brace it!

And you say your friend can?!!!

Be glad he is your Friend!

Sorry about the misspelled Deutsch, just guessing at it. The only thing I would be worried about is the string wearing off the skin on the nocks. But still, it is an absolutely stunning bow.
I do believe you could get a consistent pass through with that bow! But you might as well not bother looking for the arrow afterwards, since it is probably somewhere in the Swiss, or Italian Alps! Man I wonder what that would do at the world flight shoots?!

You would have to attach a locator beacon on the arrow! Beautiful job, by a true master, thanks for sharing it, and messing with moderators. They need their tail feathers tugged now and then.

P.S. Too bad you are not allowed to hunt in Germany. What about Switzerland? Heck get with one of the moderators here, and come over here for a hunt! That should dump a BIG hog, or Elk, or Buffalo ! Heck that should roll a Grizzly Bear with no problems! Unfortunately at this time they are protected, But in Montana there is a proposal to take them off the endangered list, so.....someday maybe they can be hunted.

Canada has some huge deer, and black bear.

Especially in Saskatchewan!