An old friend an employee recently moved to the Virginia boonies and she need a bow that she could not only practice with, but also eradicate bunnies, coons, snakes, and the occasional deer with. This bow pulls 35# @ 26" and is made from a piece of endgrain osage backed with hickory. She measures 61" TtT and has osage tip overlays. The tribal designs on the back are a combination of two different inuit designs. I came up with my own color pallet since the pictures I have are in black and white.
The arrows are P.O.C. for a 26" draw. They are nock end tapered to 5/16" at the nock and 11/32" at the tip. This bow was spitting out arrows with authority at 30 yards. So with no further adue... here's the pics. Enjoy!!