Author Topic: Re: Native Arrows and Points DVD  (Read 1853 times)

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Offline Flint Arrow

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Re: Native Arrows and Points DVD
« on: August 30, 2013, 02:22:51 pm »
 My contact information on my first post was deleted by accident by the administrator ...everyone makes mistakes! So here it is again..... My new dvd "Native Arrows and Points" is available...two full hours of solid primitive arrow making! Alot of very hard work went into the production of this dvd. I wanted to make a quality video. It has been awhile since i made Full Circle Video ! Rivercane and Hardwood arrows are covered from A-Z! All the work on this video is accomplished with stone tools and the great hunts for large and small game are all accomplished abo...nothing store brought. Also all the hunting is from the ground in natural brush blinds. There is a great segment on making and using the lowly organic points that were in common use among native people but do not get much attention today! All the game on the dvd are taken with organic points, only one deer taken with a nice sharp flint point at 8 yards on the ground. There is a fantastic turkey hunt you will have to see. But the main meat behind this video is making good dependable deadly arrows. This dvd is getting great reviews on 3Rivers Archery's web-site! I also included some information on Native American DNA which you should find very interesting! Check out the youtube clip below called " Native Arrows and Points" ...thanks and hope you enjoy! As a PAID ADVERTISER  this information is legal on the forum...thanks again.