Well, I just couldn't let it go

I nailed it up in the shed and after dry time of months I remembered it was there and got to work on it.
Very hard to pull apart and actually had to use a vice and knife to get the end started coming apart. Took a lot of work to get a total of an Oz. of sinew and it doesn't pull off in long strands well.
I think I may try this one more time and attempt to stretch it out and scrape out the insides of a couple of these rascals and keep them all in one wide long and flat piece that could be glued on with a splice in the grip.
As I took the pliers to it it seemed to have some areas that came off in wide sheets that I think would be awesome for some kind of sinew patch since the fibers are more unidirectional than linear, and other fibers seemed like normal sinew. There were also some fibers that became just like a rubber band when wet (shriveled up real short and then stretched real long until the limit and then no give whatsoever)
I put some of the wider bits in some beet juice and dyed em just for the heck of it.
Well then, that concludes it. Yes you can get sinew from the dong.
I foresee "The Donger" bow eventually coming from this batch.
Thank you for your time...GOod day