I think there is always less useable wood than you think.
Now if only you can find some trees that grow with dead straight, parallel, square trunks you may have a chance

One of the problems is the way the wood shifts and curves when its cut and the internal tension is released. I had some Pacific Yew billets sent over from Oregon and cut it to try and maximise the staves. Even being generous I ended up having to work real hard to get the bows out. I'm currently doing an ELB with the last of the billets and I had to resort to al sorts of tricks to get it out.
Main prob is you end up with triangular billets, which is fine if you want to end up with triangular section bows.
I'd rather have two good billets that three lengths of firewood.
It's catch 22
If your wood is so scarce you need to maximise it, then it's too scarce to risk screwing it up by trying to maximise it!