I had the scouts over making bows quite a while ago. I took one of the other adult leaders out back to shoot one. I pulled it back and shot it. You should have seen his face.

He was amazed. He just kept looking at it in disbelief. Then he said "WOW that's just like....that's, well...it's just like..." I interupted him and said "A real bow?" He looked at me with what I can only describe as "shocking realization" and said. "YEAH!....like a REAL BOW." I said that's because it is. He just kept shaking his head. He couldn't figure out how you could make a "REAL BOW" from an ordinary piece of wood.
THAT my friend is a REAL BOW. LOVE IT! And to think you made it from an ordinary piece of wood....that was cut to look like a board. YOU GOT SKILLS.
When I first saw it I thought. "you gotta be kidding me." RED OAK? MOLLY? RECURVE???!!!??!!! DAAAAAAANG.
That's awesome dude.