Author Topic: shavings and kindling  (Read 3410 times)

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Offline TacticalFate

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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2013, 10:57:04 am »
I've had one buckthorn fail me, but that piece was an experiment with 15 thorn knots on the back, so I dont think that counts. I got it out to 23" before it went crack, a tension failure between two knots. However, even with the tension failure, it still wouldnt break, even at full draw and beyond, until I actually stepped on the failing area.

Actually, that's probably because the break couldn't travel due to being in between two knots. Just thought of that.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 11:33:19 am by TacticalFate »

Offline Badly Bent

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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2013, 11:56:22 am »
I believe this batch of buckthorn may have some type of rot or fungus problem. It was salvaged from the pile in the picture below and when I stumbled onto it the guy had been cutting and piling it up for a four months or more. I've
had 3 break exactly the same way in tension from 5 attempts from this batch. Sent a couple to Jon W a couple weeks ago and his first attempt broke the same also.
Now I'm starting to feel bad because I passed quite a few of these around to some real good bowyers at the Classic back in May. So if your one of those guys be careful and maybe put on a helmet while tillering. :o
I will say of the two I didn't break one of them is my smoothest shooting to date and I've probably put 900 arrows thru it in the past 7 weeks and every time I unstring it it returns right back to its original profile. I'll try a few more
from this batch before I give up and move on. :)
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Offline Badly Bent

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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2013, 11:57:14 am »
forgot the pic.
I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.

Offline Josh B

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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2013, 12:05:46 pm »
Bummer about it blowing on you, but I do appreciate the heads up.  I will keep that in mind when I go to working on that stuff.  Hopefully I'll get a shooter or two out of it.  If not, oh well.  I'll have some pretty overlay and accent material!  I appreciate it either way.  Josh


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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2013, 12:10:01 pm »
Might be wise then to back all future attempts with at least rawhide with this batch...or rip the first ring off or two and back it?

Offline Badly Bent

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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2013, 12:21:36 pm »
Yeah, hope you get one to work Josh. I don't think all of those staves were bad.

Good advice Chris. May try chase a couple rings on the next one, not sure I could rawhide back over all the knots, valleys and such. The pieces I have left are all pretty character laden to say the least.
I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.


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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2013, 01:47:17 pm »
Rawhide when wet n glued easily forms over such undulations...if ya need some I can cut some strips off a hide for ya n give em to ya at elm hall?


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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2013, 02:13:56 pm »
I cant imagine chasing a ring on BT, none that I have anyway.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline Badly Bent

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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2013, 05:43:27 pm »
May take you up on that kind offer Blackhawk, thanks.
I chased a few sapwood rings on one successfully a few months back Pearl, it was no fun at all ;D.  The bow actually
survived my tillering and shoots. Still at the shop, never bothered putting a finish on it though because even though
it seems to be properly tillered its to ugly for me to shoot. Its one of those where the limbs come out of the handle at
completely different funky angles that at brace it looks like 1" negative till at top limb. Was gonna be a gift but I just
can't give something that funny looking to someone. :)

I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.


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Re: shavings and kindling
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2013, 06:03:02 pm »
I'll try to remember to bring some up....(hopefully)...  ::)