Author Topic: Getting Old and Cranky  (Read 15546 times)

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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2013, 10:20:33 am »
Same kinda' stuff with bow making, I use a band saw, belt sander, chain saw and even a tractor to load my wood. There will always be some guy who professes that cutting trees with a handsaw, carrying staves miles out of a swamp on their shoulders and completing a bow with only a hatchet and pocket knife is the only way to properly make a bow. I take comments like that with a grain of salt because I realize that they take as much pride in the bows they produce as I do mine. We just arrive at the same place buy taking a different route.

Offline iowabow

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2013, 10:36:23 am »
Well i am the guy your talking about. I will leave and delete all past post and not return.
(:::.) The ABO path is a new frontier to the past!

Offline Pappy

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2013, 10:48:49 am »
Come on guys,we don't want or need to loose any of you over this. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline TRACY

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2013, 11:01:01 am »
John, I don't think that's the answer because you contribute a lot of informative posts. Joe that would be a shame to see you not participate with all your experience and knowledge in life. We are going to disagree from post to post . We all develop preferences for certain individuals comments and advice. Skim and sort past the rest  ;)

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Offline Pat B

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2013, 11:49:44 am »
This is all in fun, guys. We all do things a bit differently and no one is right and no one wrong...just different. If you don't like what someone writes, just don't read it and if you cant say something nice about someone then don't say anything at all.
We have all contributed to make this the best site on line and don't need anyone to leave just because of bad blood. We do need all the positive input to keep coming.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline 4dog

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2013, 01:20:37 pm »
Dang guys, all this ragequitting is getting depressing, im a member of another forum not even related to this one,its chock full of people who think they are wise beyond their years, i expect hurt feelings and childishness from their like and ilk, but i thought we were men here, talking about MEN stuff, let alternate opinions be what they are ,"alternate opinions" , the wealth of knowledge you both bring to this site is needed for for jugheads like me, so just agree to disagree, stand your ground, and give up all this ragequit stuff and hurt feelings, ARE WE NOT MEN,,,LOL,,,in all seriousness,, stop with this and lets move on . Im a 47 yr old newbie to bowmaking knapping arrow stuff, I NEED YOUR KNOWLEDGE,,BOTH OF YALL!!!
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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2013, 02:02:16 pm »
With few exceptions, I count the folks on this site as friend. When I meet you at an event, I am extremely pleased to know I can walk up to you and feel at home and around old friends. That spirit of camaraderie has been nurtured for years by many folks to get it where it is today, and I sure dont take it for granted. I try to do my part, not because I'm anything special, but because there are folks behind me that would like to take part in this community just as I do.

It is important (and I need to remind myself of this from time to time) that I remember from where I came and stay within myself. I ain't much, I see that more and more as the days go by. Sometimes the good Lord has me be a positive influence on those around me and other days I just sit and watch the world go by. I try hard to not offend, but I still enjoy sarcasm (my wife would say "too much!") if I have spoke out of turn, then I apologize. If I have been sarcastic and caused an insult to happen, that wasnt my intention and again please forgive me.

I would like to echo the words that have already been said... Joe and John I value your friendship...  Please reconsider.

Offline TRACY

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2013, 02:31:56 pm »
Well, it looks like Iowabow followed through and has deleted his account here :(. Not sure what to say about it. Very unfortunate that it came to this :(

It is what it is - make the most of it!    PN500956

Offline Josh B

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2013, 02:53:51 pm »
Well....I gotta say that I'm not surprised.  John's a man of his word.   He was just trying to share what he was learning as he learned it with guys like me that were interested in the techniques.  He wasn't knocking copper except in tongue and cheek.  He was simply trying to promote an alternative.  And what happened ...... he got kicked right square in the bag for his efforts!  If that wasn't bad enough,  he got dog piled by people who don't even knap.   Have you ever tried to pet a dog just to have him bite your hand?  I would imagine that's pretty close to what John's feeling right now.   And it was ALL unnecessary.  Josh


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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2013, 03:00:22 pm »
Huh???????.....what the flip???????  ???  ???   Seriously people?????????? The one thing in common all the guys have who have been here and on the forums for a good while is thick skin....I've been called words by folks I can't retype,and almost every name in the book and it was not in jest...yeah it can be upsetting,but ya just realize folks like that have some "personal" issues and low maturity levels...these days I really don't care what some other persons opinion is..even if they think I'm an idiot or a jerk,and my bows are the ugliest sticks they've ever seen,cus the only opinion that matters to me is my own....

What a shame..and what a loss... ???

Offline 4dog

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2013, 03:06:30 pm »
I just dont get it  :o
"SET" is always there !!!

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2013, 04:58:22 pm »
  I know just where your comeing from. When I started building self bows, Knaping and everything else invioled primitive archery, liveing. Back when there was no internet you could'nt walk in WALLMART and pick up a half dozzen mags. to learn from.
  And you did the things you did because you enjoyed doing it and liveing like you want to. Ive said it to myself and my sons and anyone that would listen, dozzens of times. Boy I wish I'd had the internet back then. I like you have learned most things by tile and error. Heck I buit my first bow from a boy scout manal. SO YOU WANT TO BUILD INDAIN BOW (1958) I thought all selfbows had to be sinewed. I did my first 2 bows from BL fence post from a framed I bow hunted on. And sinewed the first 2. NOT A GOOD WAY TO START OUT.
   Right away when I read someones post I can uselly tell how far he's down the trail he's traveled.
 What I mean is I can tell old times.
  No reason to give up, look mosty people read my posts and think I'm a know it all. Just how I come across. I KNOW WHAT I KNOW BECAUSE I GREW UP BEING TAUGHT THAT YOU LEARN OR DO 1 THING A DAY. I trived to do this my whole life. And have moved it to my sons. I still do this to day.
   If someone dos'nt agree so what I know from doing or learning it some way.That I''VE BEEN THERE DONE THAT ALOT IN MOST CASES. I'm  not going to roll over and quit learning because someone dose it differntly,  Mosty jeliousy comeS out on their part and the only way they can justfly is to attacte you with their key board.
  You said yourself everything has already been done so no ones done anything that has'nt been done in primitive liveing and archery.   So do as I do I kick back SLOW DOWN ENJOY how far down the path you've came. Your not at the end of the trail unless you chose to be. It's totally up to you at this point.

Offline Frawg

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2013, 04:59:33 pm »
Wow! A man takes some time away from PA to drink and chase women and all hell breaks loose. The one thing that puts this forum above all others was, the Brotherhood bond that was shared with guys some of us have and will never meet. This is crazy!!! Guys whatever your into be it Bow building, Knapping, arrow making, Etc.... Do it your way if I don't like it that's my problem. If you don't like how I do it that is your problem but either way just have fun. If I bother you, Do not read my posts. I will in return do the same, If you offend me( you can't) I will refrain from following your future postings. No need for all this quitting and fighting. Dammit guys calm down.

As for Iowabow I really enjoyed his info, If anyone has a way to contact him outside this forum( Email, Etc) I would appreciate it if he wouldn't mind.

Matt Bradley

Glade Valley, NC

Offline Slackbunny

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2013, 05:37:54 pm »
I think all offended parties on both sides just need a breather. Take a break from the keyboard and the monitor, chip some rocks, make some shavings, heck maybe even go turn a stump into a pincushion. Cool your jets, then come back with fresh eyes, fresh egos, and fresh ideas.

Sometimes we need to remember that for all the good message boards are, a keyboard can not convey tone of voice. This means that there will be misunderstandings and miscommunications because somebody reads something with a different tone than somebody typed it with.  Simple statements come off arrogant, humor falls flat, a polite argument sounds harsh and judgmental.  Maybe this is what has happened here.

Offline Olanigw (Pekane)

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Re: Getting Old and Cranky
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2013, 05:59:55 pm »
This whole thing reminds me of that time i accidently "broke up" with my girlfriend with a text message.
I know what i said, I know how I meant it, but she read it with a completely different voice and context, and the only thing between me and an empty house was my genius act of calling her.

This is the internet.  Don't read between the lines, because there's nothing there.
"Good enough" is the enemy of great