My first post
Hi all, I've been trawling through the forums for a while absorbing information and drooling over some really gorgeous bows and I decided about 2 month ago to pull my finger out and start building.
This is my second ELB, and my 6th bow (maybe 7th??? I think one broke in there somewhere) and I would just like to get a tiller check on it.
I have been shooting this one and it feels great no hand shock (I could be sub consciously blocking it out), accurate and a lot of fun. So I probably wont alter the tiller buuuuuuuut I do plan to make to make more, so of course I would love to know what should be improved in future bows.
58# @ 28" ELB
Raw bamboo backing, bamboo flooring core and ironbark belly. Brown suede leather handle wrap, my first leather handle wrap, it didn't turn out fantastic but I'm happy enough with it.

My first ever composite, considering this is only my 6th bow, a tri-lam was a massive undertaking, but I think it turned out alright