I hope that bear was hunted for a reason though
Maybe I'm like Del and too soft being from the UK, but it seems such a waste of a beautiful animal - unless it's going to be eaten I suppose.
WillS thank you for your kind words about my bow.
But I must respectfully say please do not question the integrity or the lifestyle of those you do not understand, respectful questions are always appreciated because they are an attempt to learn and understand. But assuming that these bears were hunted without reason and were wasted is insulting, and I see no useful purpose in those comments.
I live off of the land as much as possible and keep old traditions alive out of respect for our American ancestors, I grow much of my own food,I forage for wild plants and I fish and hunt. Was a bear wasted when I used bear fat to protect my bow from the elements as native Americans did? Where was the waste when I used turkey feathers and deer sinew on my river cane arrows, from animals that I killed and ate?
Many people eat hormone injected meat wrapped in plastic, believing it was magically grown in a petrie dish and eat fruits and vegetables grown on monoculture factory farms, using chemicals and pesticides that poison the land and water and I do not question thier integrity or lifestyle and I find it quite ironic that people who seem to believe that no animal has ever died for thier benefit question the ethics of hunting.
Look into your soul and question yourself but please do not question me.