The extra length is what i just haven't gotten around to cutting off yet

. I started it out extra long just in case (good thing i did), and have moved my temp nocks in to where they are now.
ya i know she won't be a "longbow" at 66. I thought I was going to come in under weight, but it looks like i'm actually at the low end of where i wanted to be (low 50's) , so I may just keep her the length she is.
As far as tiller shape, i was going for circular tiller (but not full compass with the stiff handle), but was going to leave the last 6-8" stiff. Guess i'm not really going for a true ELB after all.
right side is the lower limb, wanted it to be a touch stiffer so it'll come around in the hand.
Thanks for the input guys. I may put a few arrows through her and see how she feels. Thanks for your previous input Del on the stability issues. She's settled down pretty good i think. In fact, I may be able to string her centerline now without offsetting the lower nock