Author Topic: CYO red oak & pignut hickory staves (cut your own)  (Read 1584 times)

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Offline PaulLovesJamie

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CYO red oak & pignut hickory staves (cut your own)
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:26:58 pm »
In addition to wiping out my Mom's house (100% loss, no insurance, ouch!) Hurricane Sandy took down a dozen trees on my property including 4 straight red oaks and 1 pignut hickory.  All 5 of these are about 2 - 2 1/2 feet in diameter, no branches or knots for 30-40' or so and appear to me to have very straight grain.  I can supply pics/video if needed.
I'm about to turn them all into firewood - if anybody wants to split out some staves you're welcome to them, PM me for directions (SE PA).
FYI I'm pretty sure the one is a pignut, but it could be black walnut. I have both on my property and all the hickorys were nice clean white wood, this one has a dark center. Will supply pics for confirmation if needed.

Yeah, I know, I should split out staves myself. Unfortunately its a lot of work and I've proven to be rather inept at bow making, I'm going to try a couple more times to get a serviceable bow and then accept my limitations and buy one.
No trade necessary if you cut/split out staves yourself, I dont really need anything.
I should know better.

Offline Eric Garza

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Re: CYO red oak & pignut hickory staves (cut your own)
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2013, 09:22:50 pm »
If the heartwood is darker, I bet what you think is a pignut is a black walnut. If that's the case, I'd invite you to reach out to furniture makers or local sawmills, and large-diameter black walnuts that are relatively clean can fetch hefty prices. It's a very sought after wood!