The other day, I was thinking of what I might do for a bow down the line, so I could start gathering the supplies for it now. After much daydreaming, I thought of something that would take a lot of time and effort, but hopefully turn out a beautiful bow. Very simply, it's a backed laminated bow, Ipe or Osage belly, bamboo core, and a thick sinew backing, probably a ~60" lever bow/mollegabet. I would only probably tiller it to 50 pounds or so, so it could be narrow as heck, especially through the levers.
BUT. This is all daydreaming. I don't have halfeye's or Pat B's experience, so I'm not sure if it's even worth putting so much effort into. Would it be easier to cut out the core and just do a backed bow?
Also, I'm a poor and very involved high school student with a job and a varsity track spot. I would need to find sinew, clamps, and bamboo for cheap to even have a chance at finishing this by summer's end. I could probably source the Osage/Ipe somewhat easily, but that could get somewhat pricey on it's own unless I could find a cheap supplier.
I don't have any access to "good" natural wood, so cutting my own is out of the question for now.
So, for anybody who doesn't want to read a ton, it basically boils down to these points:
Is an Ipe/bamboo/sinew bow a worthy combination?
Where can I find cheap bamboo, sinew, and clamps for laminating?