Author Topic: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?  (Read 5508 times)

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Offline RabidApache

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Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:35:21 pm »
You know I'm all about using my equipment and putting them through damn good use. I make, break, loose my arrows,bows and tools. Basically I treat them like Sh*t, why because I can and its free. Honestly I do....... but I also take care to oil'em, restraighten'em, sharpen and repair as needed. I Love doing it. Thanks to that my lil neph has a hefty quiver full of my broke arras shortened down. Even a bow I snapped that I retillered and shortened to a kids bow.
But my question is how useful are these hafted knives with 5-8" obi/flint blades with antler handles other than looking pretty above the mantle. I mean their "purdy" and "cool" but honestly a simple flake or two would be more useful out in the field than a fully hafted knife. They seem more of a hassle to carry than useful in the field???.

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Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 01:50:43 pm »
Sure wish I could send pictures, but am still in the "smoke signal" period of communication of life.  I have been using stone hafted knives for 60 years and find them to be excellent in the field.
My Opinion:  I have a skinning knife made from Piute Agate that I have skinned 6 elk, one Yukon moose, a bear, and a white tail buck with.  I carry it in a sheath with a small stone antered knife for cutting and gutting.  I carry them in a leather belt scabbard like you would a regular hunting knife.  I have never had to sharpen either one.  I shape the blades more in the fashion of a drop point skinner rather than an arrowhead blade.  Have made many of these knives for friends and have never had a complaint.  Obsidian blades are much sharper for just cutting and slicing and make better fish knives. but they require mantaince and are easily broken.  They do require careful useage (no prying).  If you are going to attend the Classic this year, I would be happy to show you how well my old stone knife works.  Joe
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Offline madcrow

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2013, 09:06:21 am »
Pics of Wolfwatchers skinners.

Offline madcrow

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 09:12:40 am »
This one is my favorite for skinning.  I have skinned two deer and a few snakes so far and the edge is still good.

The rhyolite one up front will be on my quiver this fall looking to draw blood.

Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2013, 10:44:42 am »
Eddie:  Thanks for posting the pictures, I owe you.  Really like the way you haft your blades.  Are you going to the Classic?  Joe
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Offline Frawg

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2013, 10:54:40 am »
Wow, nice knives guys. Wolf the blade in the third pic of yours is freaking sweet looking.
Matt Bradley

Glade Valley, NC

Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2013, 03:12:28 am »
Debating is an intellectual exchange of differing views...with no winners.

Offline primitivepaulette

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2013, 12:14:51 pm »
wow.. these are so purty! I really like that woven sheath too.. very nifty.. never thought of trying something like that! I traded some brain tan for blades before. Treasures.. never tried the hafting thing. This is such a great site  :)


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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2013, 03:08:30 pm »
I have made fancy, and I've made useful.

Some are both fancy and useful.

As long as you understand what the tool is made for it can be incredibly useful and durable. The "looks good" part is personal preference.


Offline richardzane

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2013, 10:09:06 pm »
nice blades guys!
Like how stringman used wood on the pommel of the antler and obsidian blade...great idea
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Offline TimH

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Re: Hafted flint knives. They just purdy to look at?
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2013, 06:58:41 pm »
these are really nice! i'm hoping to make these myself one of these days. i want to make some for close friends, but so far, i haven't been able to produce anything but a bunch of busted up rocks. :-[ I've only been at it though for about a month with poor homemade tools and very poor quality rock.
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