Thanks for the kind words Iconicmuffin (funny handle. I'd like the hear the story behind that one)
Thanks Pappy. Yes he's a pretty good coach even over skype.
SS. Yes the hinge bummed me out a bit but its still holding up as a bow and shoots good so I hope it lasts. If not I learned something more anyway.
Thanks Eddie. I too am a sucker for bamboo. I even like the smell of it. One of my other projects is to make a bamboo bike sometime. I have two of James bows so far and another one waiting for me when I get home this summer that I am looking forward to shoot. I don't think he should be too worried about me passing him up any time soon. Esp in how fast he can produce them. He told me he had a walk in hot box that could do something like 20 bows at once before. Anyway I'll keep sending him buffalo horns to keep him distracted away from bamboo.

Thanks Knapper. They aren't easy for me either. The hard part about these is that you can only thin the sides and not scrap the belly so you have to be somewhat close at glue up to a tillered bow. The knee tilling trick helps too though.