I have only made 4 bows so far, all out of hickory and 3 out of the same log. The one I am shooting now has 2.5 inches of set. I am quite sure because it was too wet. The one my niece is shooting has .25 of set. The one pyramid bow I made and gave to a friend has 1 inch of reflex (he has not shot it since I gave it to him). I am currently working on a 62# @ 27 bow that before heat treat has 1.75 of set. This bow took the set in 2 hours of being outside in 70% humidity while i worked on it. I took it into the house to check tiller and after checking tiller it took set. I don't have a hot box so I think I am not down to 8% MC like I would like to be.
All of this said the bows shoot good enough for killing deer and have a flat enough taj when I anchor at chin I can drill a target at 45 yards. Good enough for me. If you are really concerned with set just tiller really slow and careful and make sure MC is low. I look at it this way...The Indians would still be owners of this continent had we not done what we did and they were not too worried about set and didn't have all the gizmo's we have to day

Build em, shoot em, enjoy em. even if they have a little set. I haven't' broke a piece of hickory yet and I really don't know what I am doing :laugh