Did this summer 2012. Sure I coulda done it better if I had been posting in progress. I will try to do that more from now on!

Bow #5 for me and my only attempt a a longbow design although I realize now 63" is not "long".
I was probably not paying enough attention to the design section in TBB

It is HHB backed with 2 layers silk.
63" and draws 50# at 28".
Took about 1.5" set.
Shoots nice as far as I know, but I am no expert.
Looks like a couple of frets starting and I think I see now that the limbs are a little thick past the crysal areas, both are upper limb.
The bigger one about 14" from handle and the smaller 8" from tip.
Sorry no full draw pic (hard to get help from wife ya know).
I'm thinkin I will remove a little past the frets and try to blend it in better.
What you guys think?
Are my posts getting annoying? Are the pics viewable ok? wonder sometimes

Anyway, thanks for your time and experience.
Marco DuBois