Author Topic: A shrine to your bows.  (Read 879 times)

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Offline BowSlayer

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A shrine to your bows.
« on: March 06, 2013, 05:32:16 pm »
ok so we have all been there, we break bows. but before throwing them on a fire take pictures of them and post them here. and yes bows broken in shipping do count. BD
London, England.


Offline Rufledt

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Re: A shrine to your bows.
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 06:13:08 pm »
Never thrown one into the fire, myself.  I did string one and hang it on the wall:

It didn't really break, it could still shoot arrows, but it had a nasty split under that wrap where the nasty hinge is.  Splinter lifted, I glued/wrapped, and it relifted at full draw.  Wrapping saved it from breaking, but it took massive set right there instantly.  Then I retired the bow for good.

Do atlatls count, too?  This one sits as decoration on a bookshelf: