This is a split from reducing a stave. I thought there might be enough there for a bow? Asking the experienced here what the best approach would be?

one end is wider than the other, the narrow end is about 1" it's 1 3/4 in the middle and 2 1/2" wide on the big end. The stave is 77" long, with one end more snakey than the other.
It has some good sized rings to chase.

It has a "dippey doo" almost dead center that I thought might work as a thumb groove or arrow shelf? I'd like to know how you guys would approach this one, if at all?

I don't have a bandsaw, and I have other staves to work before tackling this one. It doesn't have much if any prop twist, just snakey twisted grain.
My plans for this one is to skin it with copperheads ( if it survives tillering and shooting in), and use some antler overlays from a shed of a 185" buck I missed a couple of years ago. I would name it "Heartbreaker"..
I haven't made my first bow yet, I've chased some rings on staves successfully, and put back over 100 staves of mostly osage, but some ERC, maple, black walnut, sassafras and KY Coffetree.
Before I read and saw so many beautiful bows here, I would not have considered this particular piece of any value for a bow, was my first assumption the right one?