Author Topic: Bamboo arrows for my daughter  (Read 1689 times)

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Offline Southpaw4

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Bamboo arrows for my daughter
« on: March 02, 2013, 02:49:40 am »
Hey all, first post, so go easy. Just got back into archery after more than fifteen years not touching a bow. Also got my 11 year old girl into it and she loves it, so much so that I ordered a longbow for her from mike at maddog archery. Wanting to get some arrows made for her so that when her 29 lb at 27 inch bow gets here she will be ready to rock. Only prob is I'm not sure what shaft spine to get her. draw length is currently 24" and the bow is a center cut longbow, any Thoughts bamboo wise or should I go with 1/4 inch dowels? Be easier if I had a spine tester but don't just yet

Offline heartrnurse

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Re: Bamboo arrows for my daughter
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2013, 08:56:53 am »
First of all WELCOME BACK!  Its great you are able to include your daughter! My choice for her would be bamboo.....Its of course very durable.....spine is not as much a factor with bamboo....the stiffest side should just be facing the riser.  I have made lots of bamboo arrows for kids and adults.  Bamboo spine will very greatly on the shaft itself.  She will probably get more use from bamboo even though they can be a little more $.  Thats just my opinion....have a great time!!

Offline Ifrit617

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Re: Bamboo arrows for my daughter
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2013, 05:35:23 pm »
I'd personally go with 5/16" poplar dowels. Cut them to 28" long and try to get the more flexible ones. I've shot poplar point blank from a 45# bow into a rock and it didn't break. Its tough stuff.

Most guys will comment on the spine and stuff and some guys swear by it. Personally after making a ton of arrows, I know by feel what I need. Honestly with a kids bow I would worry about it that much for now.


Offline Southpaw4

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Re: Bamboo arrows for my daughter
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2013, 09:46:22 pm »
Cool. Ty for the replies. And man does it feel good to be shooting again. Think it's something my daughter will enjoy her new bow. Think I will start her with poplar and get into te bamboo on my arrows first and then once I get how to make them squared away ill see what she wants to shoot.