Hey guys,
I was just wondering if any of you yew (or indeed any other) experts could help out for a quick question?
I've been reducing this beautiful yew stave down to ELB dimensions, and was meticulously chasing a ring along the bottom limb. I know that with yew it's not at all vital to have a single chased ring, but it looks swanky and I figured it was good practice. Anyway, as I was scraping down the limb, I suddenly realised that I was getting VERY close to having no sapwood at all on one side.
The stave was twisted to begin with, and I was following a tricky fork as well somewhere near this area which might explain why the single ring ends up being two different thicknesses each side. The really thin sapwood is about 2/16" and I'm just wondering if I've made a bit of a mistake going so thin. This is pretty much in the middle of the working limb, as well. Ooops!
Take a look at the pics, and see what you think.
Here's the really thin side:

And here's the exact same area on the other side.

Ruined, or saveable?
Thanks for any help!