Hi Stonedog, unfortunately I can't be of much help, I haven't been able to find any hardwood dealers in northern Kentucky. A buddy & I went to Paxton Lumber in Cincinnati to see what they had in the way of tropical woods, but they didn't have much of a selection at the time. The only piece we found with suitable grain was a jatoba 6"x6"x12', which was way out of our price range. Neither of us have the power equipment to reduce such a piece efficiently anyway. They didn't have any Ipe at all.
Sorry to be of such little help, just wanted to check in with a fellow northern Kentuckian. Shoot me a PM or e-mail sometime if you'd like to get together & shoot. I belong to an archery club that has "primitive friendly" traditional stakes at all 3-d shoots (I'm the rangemaster, so I see to it

). Would love to have a fellow natural archery buff in attendance, or we could just do some backyard arrow slinging.