Previously I was always limited in terms of bow wood and would work on the single stave I had from start to finish. Now after a few trades from the trade board along with the PA Christmas trade, I have a decent amount of wood to work with and have a bunch (compared to what I'm used to) of bows roughed out and ready to tiller out. I'm going to have to do a little more digging on my guy to find what would be his style. Here is a sneak peak at what I have going on.
From L to R:
Osage w/ two hole through one limb
Osage w/ a little bit of snake
Black Locust from the Christmas trade
Osage 2 pc take-down molle style
ERC west coast style (planning on small recurves and sinew for the back)
RM Juniper (planning on sinew backing)
Osage bendy handle w/ flipped tips
There are a lot of "firsts" (first BL, ERC, Juniper, hole in a limb, 2pc, molle style, paddle style) in that list for me, so I suppose I'll try my best on them all and send off the best one that fits my guy's style/specs.