your right pal....I do love it

I think its hilarious
ed ...might wanna take another look at that don't look so good to me

it was only an 1 1/4" wide at the arrow pass,and the limbs were 1 1/2" wide for 2/3+ before I tapered to the tips....I didn't tiller per mass with this one,but I did do a calculation after the bow was done n shot in,and it came out two ounces heavy,so there was some safety factor built in it....yet it still blew because its cherry and its crappy wood. I made this one unbacked on purpose knowing fully well what I was getting myself into. gotchya buddy

don't feel sorry at all adam.....I don't feel bad about it at all...altho I did drop the F bomb pretty loud cus it startled me like a gun shot being fired behind me without me knowing.
yeah maybe chamookman...its all fun n games till someone gets there eye poked out