Loon, what are you using to grind your blades?
A 120 grit water stone. This is the current state of my knife.
More screwed up side: (on one side, the grind was smoothed out, made sort of convex rather than flat as it's supposed to be, so it's now hard to feel the angle. I managed to do that just with the water stone.. and maybe a file)

This week, I bought various tools - a somewhat big Stanley surform, angle grinder, a Mora carving hook knife.. (first two from Lowe's)
I really don't like the surform. I even adjusted and tightened it, and it's still much slower than my Shinto rasp..
Still want a farrier's rasp, and an adze. Possibly a chisel-edge knife, for shaving wood in bamboo arrow's nodes and such. I think I'd like to go with just a flat grind chisel edge because it'd be very sharp and easy to sharpen, even if it'd need a lot of honing or even sharpening..
I also got some cheap diamond sharpening plates from Amazon for flattening the stones.
I've been trying to make a spine tester with some scrap pine and stuff, and a digital caliper. The rest for the caliper hasn't gone well. I think I should try to make another one, maybe. Need to find some pallets... hm, maybe I need a plane.